10 Apr 2011

TLR_EE "guide"

WIP. Just outlining what some of the functions do. I'll try to go in depth a bit more when I have time/feel like it.

Link to the trainer here.
Note: If I'm not mistaken, this one will likely only work on 32bit OSes. You will need to edit it for 64bit compatibility.

Tab 1 - Battle
Shift morale to max
Freeze turn count (stops AP Charge if frozen at Turn 1 at the very beginning since there's no turn flow)
TURN: change turn count
CHAIN: change chain count
Can manually shift morale bar
Blue - Ally
Red - Enemy
Union Number
Current HP/Max HP/Current AP/ Max AP/Union Morale
Unit Number
Current HP/Max HP/Monster ID

After Battle
BR99 stats

Yellow: current BR
Red: BR threshold
Blue: Current BR EXP

HP recovery (max HP/AP/M as well)
Not sure what this one does. Increase attack priority?
Cancel enemy attack
Damage multiplier: Double/Multi
* Can cause damage overflow to the point of not hurting the enemy.
Drop down: Option/Invincible Ally/Invincible Enemy/Both invincible
Change animation: Ally animations, Enemy animations
* What the altered art hits depends on what the unit is originally targeting. If the animation was changed to Protection and the unit is targeting the enemy, then the enemy will gain the Protection status. If the animation was change to Crimson Flare and was targeting self, then the Arcana will hit all allies. Be careful of what you're targeting!

Tab 2 - Union
Union Position (it's anchored to its initial position)
Guest/____ (union name)/Formation
Units 1~5. Can change the units, then update.
Union stats: Total HP/AP, AP+, M (starting union morale, add all unit morale values), STR/INT/SPD (pink), average ATK/DEF/MYS/M.DEF (green).
Haven't test these ones. Something about Party Flag and Party Number? I wouldn't fiddle with this just in case. The drop down is the union's original position.
(red) File Open/Save.
(green) Paste/Copy
Battle Union/Total Units/Battle Units Deployed/Total Battle Units

Tab 3 - Unit
Unit (separated by ID number, you might want to mark down who's who/look it up on one of Necifer's .csv files that contains all units)
Graphic (blue) [changes model. generally stable. List mostly in English. At least the important names.]
Union number, Class
Status. Self-explanatory, mostly. The red numbers represent the true value, while the blue represents what you see on-screen. M - unit Morale
Parameter. Shows total EXP gained for the specific stats. Red - EXP, Blue - level HP/AP/STR/INT/SPD/UP.
7~15 - their modifier resists. Slash/Bludgeon/Maul/Pierce/Flame/Thunder/Frost/Lytic/Venom
Gold (gold number), Items Wanted. The numbers on the top indicate how many are needed. You can enter in a number into the boxes to "give" them the required materials. If it says 255, then they have enough.
Accessory 1/2/Unique. The Accessory drop-down lists has every piece of equipment there. Be careful not to stick a sword in their accessory slot!
Other - Is officially in party/In reserve

Tab 4 - Weapon Slot
Main Slot and Sub Slot
Parameter: EXP/CO%/CO Success rate/CD%/CD Success rate/Slash/Bludgeon/Maul/Pierce
The last 4 come in at 20/50/100. It's the (no prefix)/Might/Godly modifier.
Solid triangles: Open/Save. Triangle outlines: Paste/Copy
Default Wield Style (drop-down list)
Don't level (red)/Level to +9 (blue)

Tab 5 - Arts
1. Art position (based on when it's learned). Check the box to add/remove from displayed list. Should also stop from accessing it.
2. Arts. The check box is for toggling the art on/off.
5.1 Combat Arts separated by WS (OH/PG/DW/TH/QW/DPG/DTH)
Select arts from drop-down list. Current EXP/EXP gained so far/Level/Modifier EXP (-ve - Speed/+ve - Power)/modifier EXP gained/Modifier
5.2 Mystic Arts. Invo/Evo/Hex/Rem/Psi/Wards/Arcana. Current EXP/EXP gained/Level
5.3 Item Arts. Herbs/Lotions/Potions/Explosives/Shards/Traps Current EXP/EXP gained/Level
5.4 Wield Styles. Same order as 5.1. Current EXP/EXP gained/Level
5.5 Weapon Type. Sword/Katana/Axe/Mace/Spear/Staff Current EXP/EXP gained/Level
5.6 Mystics Invo/Evo/Hex/Rem/Psi/Wards/Arcana Current EXP/EXP gained/Level
5.7 Items Herbs/Lotions/Potions/Explosives/Shards/Traps Current EXP/EXP gained/Level
5.8 Alters EXP gains. Default is 2. CA1 (Art EXP)/CA2 (Modifier EXP)/MA/IA/WS/WT/MC/IC

How to add arts:
1. Check the box to the right of the dropdown with 3 digits. This will signal to the game that this art should appear in the arts list.
2. Select an art from the dropdown.
3. Checking the box on the right just toggles the art off. You can change it in-game and it will be reflected in the trainer as well. Handy for locking out arts while in-battle. Incidentally, you can add arts while in battle as well, and the game will consider them for commands.

Tab 6 - Items
Components/Captured Monsters/Materials - 99
Key Items. Check to put into inventory
The next 3 boxes are related. Check the first one to enable the function. Then choose something from the list, then press the black button. This will cause whichever shop you're shopping at to stock items within that number range. The order is based on the game's internal item order. All the items listed are equipment. The cost is their ID number. To switch between the lists, exit out of the shop menu, choose another range and press the black button again. The shop will change their contents.
Buying "Sold Out" items (trade goods). Blue text. Check to activate. Does not affect Trade Goods that have not yet been unlocked.

Tab 7 - Other
Timeshift - Infinite/Movement speed while activated/Cursor speed?/don't know
green - movement speed
Infinite D-Acts.
Red Boxes: Copy location coordinates/Paste location coordinates
(great for falling through maps!)

Tab 8 - Battle Commands
1. Select Union
2. Select Target
Battle Command -> Command string/AP Cost
Unit Arts
Unit 1~5 -> can change what art they'll use. the displayed arts on the trainer will change depending on the target/union accordingly.
Can change what unit they target.
* Changing the command's string will alter the union's behaviour accordingly. Putting arts that normally cannot be used by a single unit or ones that have enemy-specific animations in the command chain and then executing them may have a chance of crashing the game. Exercise caution when using this tab.

Tab 9 - Enemy data
Monster ID
Monster Model/HP/AP (base values)
Parameters. Pretty sure it's their growth rates now that I think about it.
Black numbers - modifier resists
Not sure.
Main Slot/ATK/Sub Slot
File - Save/Load, Text - Enemy List/Name?
Check to change enemy type

Tab 10 - Unit Data
Unit/Starting Class
The colours correspond to the parameter, and the numbers indicate the growth rate they have.
Resists (9 numbers)
Not sure what all these other numbers mean, but the bottom right? Starting BR.
Boxes indicate what type of unit.
1 - Party lock. 2 - Party Guest. 3 - Not in Reserves (must be deployed). 4 - Balance. 5 - Combat. 6 - Mystic.
4~6 - unit focus
File Save/Load

Tab 11 - Equipment
Sort ID/Create or Buy Cost/Selling Price (Disassemble price is 1/2 Selling, rounded up). 4th box is for "can be equipped", I think.
Not sure/Growth Rate^/CO/CO Success/CD/CD Success
^ 0 - Slow, 1 - Normal, 2 - Fast
Type - Size and WT/Weight/Other parameters (Disassemble Price/Critical Trigger Button variant)
Boxes: No Disassemble/No Selling/Remnant
WS/WT/Mystic/Item/CAs/Speed/Power/MAs/IAs/Status (Equipment)
* The above are for EXP gains. On a weapon, it means that the unit equipped with it will gain EXP normally (DWing does not double EXP). If on a Shield or Accessory, it means that it will add to the EXP gained. If nothing is checked, 0 EXP.
Note: Changing the ATK/MYS/DEF/M.DEF/EVA/M.EVA values in this tab doesn't have an effect. All it does is change the string. Changing the Effect and Modifier does change the equip.

File Load/Save
This modifies the equips, not put them in your inventory. If you mod them before you get them, they'll come modded during your current play (resets when the game is reset/sent back to the title screen).


  1. And, thank you for the Trainer Guide. TLR_EE Is the best Last Remnant Trainer ever created.

    1. Is there an English Version of this Trainer? This Trainer is Awesome! I Love how it can mod almost everything in the game.
